September: |
- Autumn
- Bicycles on sale
- Check oil lines. Wrap for winter if exposed.
- Check winter fuel supply
- China & Flatware on sale
- Continue harvesting beans, squash, cucumbers, & tomatoes to keep plants productive
- Continue to water newly planted trees & shrubs
- Harvest flowers from celosia, globe amaranth, & salvia for drying indoors
- Harvest potatoes & onions as the tops yellow & die
- Have piano tuned
- Inspect & rinse roof
- Inspect storm windows for any signs of deterioration and make necessary repairs
- Labor Day
- Last year's car models on sale
- Lawn furniture on sale after Labor Day
- Organize &/or store photographs, videos & CDs
- Outdoor grills on sale
- Paint interior rooms while it's still warm enough to leave windows open. Ditto for shampooing or replacing carpets
- Plant evergreen trees & shrubs
- Plant seeds of lettuce, spinach, & radish for harvest in fall
- Prune suckers at ground level on grafted fruit trees
- Remove window air-conditioning units and store them. If they are not removable, cover them with plastic to protect them over the winter
- Straighten Hair
- Summer clothes on sale
- To help create space for snowblowers & other winter fear, the price tags on lawn mowers get trimmed
- Tour the outside of your house to make sure that soils around the foundation are properly graded. Soil should slope four to six inches for a distance of three feet out from the foundation walls.
- Wash & wax exterior
- Watch for year-end close-out sales on lawn and garden equipment.
- Winter wear on sale